Win Baseball Hitting Aids In Our Photo Contest
Is Your First True Love Baseball Or Softball? Show Your Swing Some Love This Valentine’s Day. Enter Our Photo Contest To Win A LineDrivePro Baseball Swing Trainer.
You must be following us on the social network you post your photos on:
Facebook: @LineDrivePro Trainer
Instagram: @Line_Drive_Pro_
Twitter: @Line_Drive_Pro
Post a photo demonstrating your love for the game now through Valentine’s Day.
You must include our @username (above) and #LineDriveLove in your post.
DO use all 3 social platforms for multiple chances to win – 1 winner will be chosen on each and announced 02/17/16. DON’T use ghost accounts. Private accounts are ok.
We also have a SWEET DEAL for you this week: For a limited time only, get 15% off our Pink Baseball Hitting Aid.
Expires 12:00AM 02/15/16
If you’re searching for the best baseball hitting aids for your swing and goals, check out our ultimate hitting trainers guide for more info.