Enter To Win
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GIVEAWAY: Enter To Win A Signed Javier Báez Baseball

Every year, around this time, we all stop to give thanks for the many wonderful things we have been blessed with… loved ones, our health, and BASEBALL! This Thanksgiving season, the team at LineDrivePro is especially thankful for athletes and coaches, making the sport and path to improvement fun, just like you! To show our…

Best Hitting Aids For Youth Baseball
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Best Hitting Aids for Youth Baseball

As parents, we all want to see our kids performing at the top of their hitting game. However, the road to achieving peak performance can seem complex and daunting. There are numerous hitting aids for youth baseball players on the market. There is also an abundance of coaches willing to offer expensive private hitting lessons….

Angular Velocity LDPT

Scientific Data Showing Why The LDPT Is Effective

The Data Doesn’t Lie: Proof Showing How The LDPT Effectively Trains Hitters To Have A More Connected Swing Today we are taking a look at the Line Drive Pro trainer. We have one of our professional trainers strapping the Line Drive Pro Trainer onto the bat, and we are going to take a look at…

ABCA Convention Anaheim 2017

2017 ABCA Convention

Don’t miss LineDrivePro Trainer at the 2017 ABCA Convention in Anaheim, CA. Baseball’s biggest trade show is taking place Thursday, January 5th through Saturday, January 7th. The annual ABCA Trade Show is one of the major highlights of the Convention. Over 300 exhibitors will be at the ABCA Trade Show to display state-of-the-art equipment and products, including hitting aids, apparel,…

Win Baseball Hitting Aids

Win Baseball Hitting Aids In Our Photo Contest

Is Your First True Love Baseball Or Softball? Show Your Swing Some Love This Valentine’s Day. Enter Our Photo Contest To Win A LineDrivePro Baseball Swing Trainer. RULES: You must be following us on the social network you post your photos on: Facebook: @LineDrivePro Trainer Instagram: @Line_Drive_Pro_ Twitter:  @Line_Drive_Pro Post a photo demonstrating your love for…

ABCA Convention

LineDrivePro At The 2016 ABCA Convention In Nashville

Be sure to stop by booth 239 at the #‎ABCA2016‬ Convention to say hi and demo the LineDrivePro Trainer! At the ABCA Trade Show, over 300 companies are expected to display state-of-the-art equipment, products, and innovations, including coaching aids, baseball apparel, field equipment, baseball hitting aids and more. Many products will be unveiled for the first time…

Top Baseball Hitting Drills Baseball Hitting Aid
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Top Baseball Hitting Drills

Using Baseball Hitting Aids To Teach Proper Baseball Swing Mechanics Effectively The hardest concept to teach during baseball hitting drills, especially youth baseball hitting drills, is keeping the barrel in the hitting zone to achieve the ideal bat path. This one element of baseball swing mechanics is an absolute of all the great baseball hitting pros. If…

Ex-MLB Star J.R. House The LineDrivePro Trainer

Ex-MLB Star J.R. House Reviews The LineDrivePro Trainer

Ex-MLB catcher, J.R. House, reviews the LineDrivePro Trainer after using the baseball swing trainer for the first time. House was drafted in the 5th round and played for the Pittsburgh Pirates (2003-2004), Houston Astros (2006) Baltimore Orioles (2007), and Houston Astros (2008) during his career. Find out why he loved the product in this video…

Baseball Hitting Aids Are The Best Coaches
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Baseball Hitting Aids Are The Best Coaches

Recently I went to the little league park just to sit, relax, and watch a baseball game. As I walked through the clover of baseball fields I heard a coach exclaim, “Johnny get your elbow up. Get it UP!” Then my attention was drawn to the baseball field on my left where I heard another…