Fun Baseball Drills For Kids
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3 Kids Baseball Drills That Are Fun to Practice Indoors

There is no better time for kids to be working on some fun baseball drills indoors. The current baseball season is winding down and next season is waiting in the batter’s box. Therefore, now is the perfect opportunity for youth players of all skill levels to continue working on consistent baseball swing mechanics by themselves…

Best Hitting Aids For Youth Baseball
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Best Hitting Aids for Youth Baseball

As parents, we all want to see our kids performing at the top of their hitting game. However, the road to achieving peak performance can seem complex and daunting. There are numerous hitting aids for youth baseball players on the market. There is also an abundance of coaches willing to offer expensive private hitting lessons….

Baseball Swing Mechanics Hitting Muscle Memory

The Importance Of Muscle Memory In Baseball Swing Mechanics

PART I – The Science Behind Biomechanics & Muscle Memory For athletes, muscle memory is extremely important. And for hitters, the best way to improve baseball swing mechanics is through muscle memory training. The key is repetition. Consistent physical repetition helps develop a feel for the proper swing path and trains the brain on the…

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Batting Tips For Proper Baseball Swing Mechanics

BATTING TIPS: FIXING THE THREE MOST COMMON FLAWS IN YOUR BASEBALL SWING MECHANICS 1.) CAST THE SWING PROBLEM: Before players can use batting tips effectively, they must understand the root of the problem. Early arm extension through the swing process results in a mechanical flaw known as a cast. Batters who fully extend their front arm, or bar out,…

Bat Speed Trainer
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3 Quick Tips to Fix A Slow Swing and Increase Bat Speed

Improve Bat Speed + Swing Mechanics 1 – STOP BAD TRAINING HABITS Generally, line drives develop into home runs over time. It’s important to master hitting drives up the middle and to the opposite field before trying to swing for the fences. As your baseball swing mechanics develop and get stronger, bat speed will increase…

Baseball Swing Mechanics
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Baseball Swing Mechanics Hitting Guide

IMPROVE BASEBALL SWING MECHANICS WITH THIS STEP-BY-STEP BASEBALL HITTING GUIDE FOR CONSISTENT CONTACT AND POWER THROUGHOUT THE SWING 1.) BASEBALL HITTING STANCE + LOAD/GATHER Solid baseball swing mechanics start with a strong and balanced stance. The goal is to find a comfortable baseball stance that works for you. One that allows you to get to…

Top Baseball Hitting Drills Baseball Hitting Aid
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Top Baseball Hitting Drills

Using Baseball Hitting Aids To Teach Proper Baseball Swing Mechanics Effectively The hardest concept to teach during baseball hitting drills, especially youth baseball hitting drills, is keeping the barrel in the hitting zone to achieve the ideal bat path. This one element of baseball swing mechanics is an absolute of all the great baseball hitting pros. If…

Baseball Training
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4 Tips For An Effective Baseball Offseason Training Program

Summertime is full of fun and exciting distractions. So, whether you are gaining momentum into your summer practice schedule or fighting to stay faithful to a softball or baseball hitting training routine, it is important to keep in mind that if you apply yourself in the offseason, you will get results. To make the most…

Mental toughness training sports

Mental Toughness and Sports Psychology in Baseball and Softball

The training doesn’t stop at the plate In a game where great hitters fail at a rate of 70 percent, perseverance is as important as baseball swing mechanics, bat speed, and physical strength. Mental toughness is having the capacity to press on through difficult situations while remaining confident. The process of developing mental toughness begins…