Win Baseball Hitting Aids

Win Baseball Hitting Aids In Our Photo Contest

Is Your First True Love Baseball Or Softball? Show Your Swing Some Love This Valentine’s Day. Enter Our Photo Contest To Win A LineDrivePro Baseball Swing Trainer.


You must be following us on the social network you post your photos on:

Facebook: @LineDrivePro Trainer

Instagram: @Line_Drive_Pro_

Twitter:  @Line_Drive_Pro

Post a photo demonstrating your love for the game now through Valentine’s Day.

You must include our @username (above) and #LineDriveLove in your post.

DO use all 3 social platforms for multiple chances to win – 1 winner will be chosen on each and announced 02/17/16. DON’T use ghost accounts. Private accounts are ok.

We also have a SWEET DEAL for you this week: For a limited time only, get 15% off our Pink Baseball Hitting Aid.


Expires 12:00AM 02/15/16

If you’re searching for the best baseball hitting aids for your swing and goals, check out our ultimate hitting trainers guide for more info.

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