Plate discipline for baseball hitters

Mastering Plate Discipline and Zone Awareness: Secrets to Elite Hitting Success

Plate discipline is the cornerstone of becoming an elite hitter in baseball. It’s not just about swinging at strikes and avoiding balls— it’s about mastering mechanics, honing your vision, and developing a strategic approach that puts you in control at the plate. In this article, we’ll break down the key components of plate discipline, including…

Good Hitting Approach

4 Strategies for Developing a Good Hitting Approach

When it comes to developing a good hitting approach, there are four fundamental strategies to consider. Keep reading to get valuable tips for a successful hitting approach from former MLB player and current assistant hitting coach Jacob Cruz. Hitting Approach #1: Coverage The Coverage Approach is all about covering a designated area of the plate,…

Aristides Aquino LineDrivePro

Aristides Aquino Improves Swing Mechanics with Line Drive Pro Trainer on MLB Tonight

This simple hitting aid is so effective at giving players results in the game, MLB Tonight recently broke down how pros like Aristides Aquino are using LineDrivePro Trainer to improve their swing path and mechanics. The LineDrivePro Trainer is the best hitting aid for developing a hitter’s feel for the proper swing path like Aristides Aquino, and the analysts on MLB Tonight, couldn’t agree more.

Swing Plane Drills
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Proper Swing Plane / Bat Path Drills

Proper swing plane or bat path through the hitting zone allows for various points of contact, which helps the hitter impact the ball more consistently. Developing the barrel control to stay long through the zone gives the hitter some room for error in making contact with a pitch. By getting on plane with the pitch,…

Angular Velocity LDPT

Scientific Data Showing Why The LDPT Is Effective

The Data Doesn’t Lie: Proof Showing How The LDPT Effectively Trains Hitters To Have A More Connected Swing Today we are taking a look at the Line Drive Pro trainer. We have one of our professional trainers strapping the Line Drive Pro Trainer onto the bat, and we are going to take a look at…

Baseball Swing Mechanics Hitting Muscle Memory

The Importance Of Muscle Memory In Baseball Swing Mechanics

PART I – The Science Behind Biomechanics & Muscle Memory For athletes, muscle memory is extremely important. And for hitters, the best way to improve baseball swing mechanics is through muscle memory training. The key is repetition. Consistent physical repetition helps develop a feel for the proper swing path and trains the brain on the…

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Batting Tips For Proper Baseball Swing Mechanics

BATTING TIPS: FIXING THE THREE MOST COMMON FLAWS IN YOUR BASEBALL SWING MECHANICS 1.) CAST THE SWING PROBLEM: Before players can use batting tips effectively, they must understand the root of the problem. Early arm extension through the swing process results in a mechanical flaw known as a cast. Batters who fully extend their front arm, or bar out,…

Bat Speed Trainer
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3 Quick Tips to Fix A Slow Baseball Swing and Increase Bat Speed

Improve Bat Speed + Swing Mechanics 1 – STOP BAD TRAINING HABITS Generally, line drives develop into home runs over time. It’s important to master hitting drives up the middle and to the opposite field before trying to swing for the fences. As your baseball swing mechanics develop and get stronger, bat speed will increase…

Baseball Swing Mechanics
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Baseball Swing Mechanics Hitting Guide

IMPROVE BASEBALL SWING MECHANICS WITH THIS STEP-BY-STEP BASEBALL HITTING GUIDE FOR CONSISTENT CONTACT AND POWER THROUGHOUT THE SWING 1.) BASEBALL HITTING STANCE + LOAD/GATHER Solid baseball swing mechanics start with a strong and balanced stance. The goal is to find a comfortable baseball stance that works for you. One that allows you to get to…

Baseball Training
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4 Tips For An Effective Baseball Offseason Training Program

Summertime is full of fun and exciting distractions. So, whether you are gaining momentum into your summer practice schedule or fighting to stay faithful to a softball or baseball hitting training routine, it is important to keep in mind that if you apply yourself in the offseason, you will get results. To make the most…